APRIL 2022 | RYAN:
My Italian mother was one of those women who delighted in getting the whole family together for the holidays; Easter being one of her favorites. Although she complained how much work it was cooking for everyone, she held grudges for years if someone failed to show up. That is why this year I dreaded showing up… alone.
"Nora and I are getting a divorce," I finally admitted to my family. I knew that coming out about a divorce to a bunch of Catholics on a high holiday was unfortunate timing, but I wanted to get it out of the way while everyone was in one place. Besides, I'd been keeping it a secret for long enough – my wife and I had been headed down this road for almost a year.
Surprisingly, my mother – whose reaction I feared the most – took it better than I feared. The thing she was most pissed off about was that Nora got to keep the kids this Easter. Across from me, my younger brother Brandon and his boyfriend Cory both offered supportive smiles to me. Now that I think about it, Brandon knocked up Cory's sister when he was still 10, and then came out as gay last year – in comparison to him, my life wasn't even all that scandalous.
Although we always got along, my brother and I were never the best of buds or anything. However, after I announced my divorce, Brandon began texting to check up on me and ask if I wanted to hang out after work. One day, I received an email from my attorney, saying I was legally obligated to move out of the house because of charges Nora had filed. After pacing around my office and cussing for a good ten minutes, I texted my brother and took him up on his invitation to go out for drinks.
"Listen, I gotta be honest, I have an ulterior motive," I told Brandon when I met him at the bar of his choice in central Philly. I had no idea if this was considered a gay bar or not; although there were no rainbow flags and the crowd seemed pretty mixed, the amount of gay men seemed pretty high.
"What's up?" my brother asked me.
"Nora's kicking me out of the house. I need a place to stay. And I figured you live in the city and you know people here. Anyone renting out a room or anything?"
"Sure, man, I can ask around. When do you need it by?"
"72 hours," I replied.
"Shit! Ryan, I don't think I know anyone looking for a roommate on such short notice. Maybe in a month or two, but three days?!"
"Yeah I know, it's fucked up," I said, holding back from banging my fist on the table, and taking a large gulp of my drink instead. "I guess I'll get a motel or something and try to get a room starting the first of the month."
"Hey, if you need a place to crash, you can have my couch," Brandon offered.
"You sure?" I asked. As much as I wasn't looking forward to sleeping on a couch, I was out of options. Our parents lived too far away, and living by myself at a motel sounded way too depressing, even if it came with a bed.
"Yeah," my brother nodded. "It's a pull-down sofa, you oughta be fine. It'll definitely do until you find some place."
"Thanks, man, I owe you one," I said with a smile. "How bout I get us more drinks?"
After another round, my brother left to meet his boyfriend for dinner. Before leaving the bar, I needed to take an epic piss, so I headed to the men's room. I stood at the urinal for over a minute, emptying my bladder, when another dude walked in and took the urinal right next to mine. Kinda weird, since there were five empty urinals at the place, but I ignored him and carried on with my piss.
When I was almost done, I realized the person next to me hadn't begun pissing. Maybe he had a shy bladder and couldn't get himself to go next to strangers; but then why did he pick the urinal right next to me? The three stalls in the men's room were all vacant as well, there was no one here but the two of us.
"Hey," the guy said calmly. I finally looked up and checked him out: a dude in his mid-20s by the looks of it. Casually dressed and with a Flyers hat on, he was probably a couple inches shorter than me.
"Hey," I replied. I wasn't used to being overly friendly at urinals, but I didn't wanna be an asshole either.
"You havin' a good evening?" he asked, slightly tilting his body my way.
"Um, it's alright," I said, shaking the last few drops of piss off my cock. "How bout you?"
"It's been a long day," he smiled. "So I'm hopin' to make it a fun evening."
That's when my eyes finally looked down to see the stranger's exposed penis. He was half-hard, and discreetly stroking himself, getting visibly harder in the process.
My first instinct was to either say "hey man, what the fuck?!" or to just walk out and ignore him. However, after months of involuntary abstinence, my mind was pretty much always on sex. Of course, it always involved women… well with the exception of getting hard in the sauna that time right in front of my nephew. There were no women around that time, but I guess I'd been so fucking horny lately that I found it hard to control myself around women OR men. Some part of me felt intrigued, and rather than avoid this exhibitionist stranger, I decided to ask,
"And how exactly are you hoping to make it a fun evening?"
"I could go with suckin' some dick," he said with a cheeky smirk. "That's always fun. You game?" he added, nodding toward the nearest empty stall.
"What, right here?" I said in shock. I wasn't taking him up on his offer as much as I was making sure that his intention was to suck someone off right in this place. Of course, I knew some couples had sex in public locations – I'd been fortunate enough to get away with some risky sexcapades back in the day when I was younger. I did get off on it, but the question now was: could I really let a man suck my cock?
"Why not, we'll be good. C'mon," he said, almost dragging me away in the stall with him.
"Nah, man," I smiled and shook my head. This was simply not my territory. However, that's when the stranger said something that changed my mind.
"C'mon. I'm good. Better than your ex-wife," he winked at me.
For a moment, I felt paranoid. Did this guy know me?! I looked down at my left hand, which was still shaking my cock, even though it was well dry by this point. I no longer wore my wedding ring, but there was still a bright tan line from where it used to be, like a tattoo that I couldn't get rid of so easily.
"Is that how you could tell?" I asked the stranger, shaking my ring finger in his face.
"Aha. And I figured it's an ex-wife rather than an ex-husband. You strike me as the type."
"What type is that?" I asked, my cock still poking out of my fly.
"The type that could really use some head, but is too afraid to just go for it."
"Are you calling me chicken?" I said, stepping in closer to the young man so that we were chest-to-chest. I was trying to be intimidating and playful at the same time, but I hadn't realized that by stepping so closely to him, the stranger's fully-hard cock was now touching my dick.
"Maybe I am," he played along, no longer stroking his dick, but now pressing it against mine.
"Get in that stall," I growled. I quickly followed him in and shut the door. The gap between the stall wall and the floor was quite small, so this was pretty private as far as public toilet cubicles went.
The guy smiled and immediately dropped to his knees, as if making the most of the situation before I changed my mind. I noted that he made no effort to kiss me first, something that most girls would insist on doing before going down on me. Maybe this wasn't his first time doing this with a straight man. Within a second, I felt his warm mouth enveloping my dick, providing the perfect amount of suction for me to start getting hard. The fact that it was a dude doing this to me wasn't as awkward as I'd thought; it was easy to close my eyes and imagine pretty much any girl in the world. Although, admittedly, no girl had ever done such a good job sucking my dick – certainly not my soon-to-be-ex-wife. This guy had me fully hard in a minute or so, making sure to focus on the cockhead but not neglecting the shaft either and stroking it back and forth with one of his hands, while the other focused on massaging my balls.
"Dad, I told you, we'll make it home in time for the game!" Suddenly, the door to the men's room opened and someone came barging in. "They're playing in Seattle, so the game doesn't even start by 10 o'clock here."
"I know, I'm just making sure," a second voice replied. The father and son's footsteps echoed around the tiled room as they walked toward the urinals and began pissing, talking about the game they were looking forward to watching tonight. Meanwhile, my cocksucker looked up and made eye contact with me, but he never stopped sucking on my dick, not for a second. I saw a devilish gleam in his eyes; he seemed to be enjoying getting walked in on like this! Of course, the urinating father-son duo had no idea what we were doing in this stall, and I had to admit this was quite thrilling.
I smirked at the dick-sucking stranger and started to thrust my hips back and forth, just a little bit. Smirking back, he flipped his hat so the brim was facing backward, and he slid his lips further down my shaft, until the stubble on his chin was ticking my ball sack and his nose was buried in a forest of my pubic hair, which hadn't been trimmed in months.
"Ahhhh," I moaned, unable to hold back, as risky as this was. Luckily, one of the urinals flushed in that moment so I wasn't too worried about the other men hearing us. As the dad and his son finished up their piss and washed their hands, I thrusted more and more aggressively, effectively fucking the cocksucker's face, letting the tip of my dick slide down his throat – a point at which most girls I knew would start gagging, but the guy just continued taking it like a champ.
"Mm. Mmm," he moaned in satisfaction as his throat, lips, and hands all went to town, working hard on getting me to empty my balls. He wasn't even paying attention to his own cock, which I couldn't see from here but I had a strong feeling was still maintaining an erection.
"Aight, one more drink and we're outtie," the son outside the stall said to his dad, and the two of them left the room. Now able to relax, I told my cocksucker,
"Fuck man, you gon make me cum."
I figured it's good manners to give him an advance warning, just in case he wanted to take me out of his mouth and finish me off with his hands, which I would've been perfectly happy with. On the contrary, however, the guy sucked my tool harder than ever, sliding it so far down his throat that even he began to gag a couple of times. Relentlessly, he continued the blowjob, until I was busting my nut in his mouth with a loud "AHHHH, FUUUCKK, MAN!"
"Mmmm," he moaned as he swallowed my jizz. In that very moment, I could FEEL the satisfaction he was getting from sucking cock. He didn't need to jerk off or get himself to cum; this right here, THIS was his reward. "Mmmmmm."
I fucked the young man's face for a while longer, until the last of my seed was down his gullet. I patted his shoulder and I tucked my cock away, helping the guy up so we could leave the cubicle.
As soon as I opened the stall door, however, I was in for a huge surprise. I'd thought we were alone – but there was a guy standing at one of the urinals, able to hear everything that just happened! I stood in my tracks, feeling completely taken aback, as the cocksucker squeezed past me to get out of the stall. He noticed the stranger by the urinals as well… except it was no stranger to him.
"Hey!" the cocksucker said to the other guy. "We didn't think there was anyone in here!" he laughed, acting completely unstressed.
"Yeah. I walked in with those other two guys, the father and son," the guy by the urinals replied. I thought that might be you, when I heard someone sucking dick in the stall.
As he said that, the guy turned to us and showed off his cock, which was just as hard as mine had been a minute ago.
"You wanna go next?" the cocksucker said, stepping back into the stall.
"Sure," the other guy smiled, stroking his cock as he walked past me to get to the cubicle.
Before closing the stall door, the cocksucker and I exchanged a brief "thanks, see ya." I walked out of the men's room, and I adjusted my cock, which was still partially hard. When I got out to the parking lot, I couldn't help but think of the blowjob happening in that men's room stall this very instant… and just like that, I was rock hard once again.