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Camping & Cumming


    After a few weeks of crashing on our couch, Uncle Ryan finally found an apartment – and it wasn't too far from us! He would be sharing an apartment five blocks down with a roommate who was in his late 20. According to Uncle Ryan, the guy was nice enough, and seemed the type to keep to himself. 

    "So no more jacking off on the sofa out in the open?" I joked as I helped my uncle pack his boxes.

    "Not unless I come here for a wank," Ryan winked at me.

    "Feel free," my dad chimed in, ripping some duct tape to use on a box. "I mean it: keep the key. You can drop by anytime you want."

    "Appreciate that, man," my uncle nodded. "You know, in a weird way, I'm gonna miss this place. My back will be happy to be sleeping on a proper mattress again. But I'm gonna miss you guys."

    "Awww. We're gonna miss you too, sweetie," I said in an exaggeratedly cute voice and gave my uncle a hug and kiss. I expected him to push me away, but instead he just hugged me back and planted a wet one right on my lips.

    In addition to feeling pleased about his newfound place to live, Uncle Ryan was also happy that he would get to see his kids for Father's Day soon. As reluctant as my aunt was to let them hang out, this was the one day a year she had to concede. My uncle decided to spend the weekend at a campground near Lewisburg. The place had a Father's Day special, and Dad and I were invited to join in. I was working weekends at my summer job now, but I made sure to take a couple of days off so we could have a mini family reunion.

    The camping trip ended up being MUCH more fun than I expected! The facilities were top-notch: we got to go kayaking and shooting, and my younger cousins participated in workshops on how to tie knots and similar activities. The campground was quite large and there were a few moms and daughters along, but most of the campers seemed to be dads here with their sons. Uncle Ryan had rented out a cabin for him and his three kids, but since Dad and I made the booking late we had to resort to sleeping in a tent. 

    "It feels so weird without any screens," I said to Dad on Saturday, as the two of us sat in front of a campfire near our tent. Because the campground was so spread out, the nearest structure was Uncle Ryan's cabin about twelve yards away. Other than that, there were no other campers within sight.

    "I know. I'm kinda tempted to go get my phone," Dad said. We'd left our phones to charge for the night in my uncle's cabin. "But I'm not going to. It's nice to have some one-on-one time without any distractions, Son."

    "Same," I smiled, scooting closer to Dad on the log we used as a bench. I put my hand on his back and patted it. Immediately, my hand was sticky with his sweat, but I didn't mind. Dad and I were both shirtless – if it were up to us, we'd take the rest of our clothes off as well, but we had to wait until we got inside our tent to do that.

    "Hey," a voice suddenly said from behind us. A shirtless Uncle Ryan joined, helping himself to a beer from the portable cooler and taking a seat next to me.

    "Can't sleep?" I asked.

    "Nah. It's only like what, 10:30? The kids are all asleep, though," my uncle said. After that, the three of us sat in comfortable silence for almost 20 minutes, enjoying the nature and the shared time together.

    "It's really nice out here," Uncle Ryan said after a while, mostly to break the silence.

    "I know. I wish the fire did a better job at keeping the mosquitos away, though," Dad added.

    "Yeah, I heard em buzzing around as well. Maybe we should go inside the tent," I suggested.

    "Sure, as long as I can keep an eye out on the cabin," Uncle Ryan said, standing up and helping me put out the fire before heading to the tent with me.

    "You didn't waste any time getting naked," I said to my father, who was already in the nude inside our tent. 

    Before sitting down, I decided to follow my dad's example and undress. Unwilling to be the odd man out, Uncle Ryan shook off his clothes as well, and soon the three of us were sitting knee-to-knee in the confines of the tent, which was just large enough for us to sit crosslegged in a circle.

    Tired from the day's activities, there wasn't much talking, just drinking and relaxing. I'm not even sure when it happened, but my hand had found its way to my dad's leg, slowly stroking it. Dad responded by doing the same to me in return. It was a gentle, loving gesture that only made the bond between us stronger. Dad's boyfriend – Uncle Cory – was back in Philly, spending Father's Day with his own kids. I knew for a fact my father wasn't accustomed to going to sleep without blowing a load these days, so I wasn't surprised to see Dad's dick growing while I caressed his hairy leg. Seeing this and feeling my leg being stroked caused me to pop a boner as well. We continued our caressing in front of my uncle, who remained silent but started to grow between his legs as well. It didn't take long before all three of us were fully erect.

    We continued in silence, frequently taking pulls from our beers. It was warm outside, but it was downright hot inside the closed tent. Sweat ran down my back and formed on my forehead before trickling down my face. The same was happening to my dad and uncle.

    After several more minutes, Dad carefully placed his beer on the ground and with both hands free, reached out and wrapped a fist around his brother's and son's hard rods. Neither of us complained nor made any move to stop him. Although we never spoke of it, I'm sure Dad and Uncle Cory were as concerned as me that we'd need to curtail our "family fun" when Uncle Ryan moved in. That concern, however, had proven itself unwarranted. My uncle had been very accepting and open to our activities; and his current hard, leaking rod was further proof of that. 

    My dad rhythmically worked our two cocks from base to crown. He applied just the right amount of pressure at the base. Then, as he slid his fists up our shafts, it forced gobs of precum to leak from our piss slits, which he expertly spread over our cockheads with his thumbs before descending back down to repeat the process all over again.

    Aside from the sound of my dad's hands sliding up and down our rigid, naturally-lubed cocks, the only other noise coming from inside the tent were our occasional gasps of pleasure and one (or both) of us quietly muttering "fuck" from the sensations which ran through our bodies. 

    I needed more after fifteen minutes of my dad stroking my rod. I hadn't busted a nut since yesterday and needed some REAL action. 

    "Fuck, I'm in the mood to pound some hole," I blurted out.

    "You wanna fuck me?" my dad asked immediately. 

    I didn't need that offer made twice.

    "Fuck yeah," I replied as I rose to my knees and moved behind my father, who was already positioning himself on his hands and knees. 

    I could tell Uncle Ryan's mind was blown. He didn't say a word, but the look on his face said it all. His eyes opened wide and his mouth fell open as I positioned myself behind his little brother. My uncle and I made eye contact, and I gave him a smirk and a quick wink. 

    My dad's sweat was running from his back down his ass crack, and I used my leaking cock to spread it, along with my precum, down to his hole. Next, I applied just enough pressure for my cockhead to pop into his already-opening pucker.

    "Fuck yeah!" Dad hissed. 

    I pushed into my father's hole slowly, but steadily. My cock disappeared into his tight orifice. I thought Uncle Ryan was rock hard before, but his cock seemed to grow even more after seeing this. He wrapped his own fist around his manhood and slowly stroked himself, copying the technique my dad had used on us. 

    Like the expert whore that he is, Dad quickly accommodated my meat. His ass swallowed my stalk until I was in him balls-deep. His rectum constricted and released around me, as if giving my prick a massage.

    This was exactly what I needed. I placed my hands on my father's hips and slowly withdrew from his pucker until only my head remained. Then, I waited a few seconds before plunging back in to the base.

    "Aaaaaah!" Dad moaned loudly.

    My uncle's cock spewed a gob of precum when he saw his little brother take my cock up his ass. I continued to methodically cock-punch my dad's ass, who was pushing back against me every time I pushed in. I could tell he was loving it by the extended "fuuuuuuucks" he occasionally exhaled. That was further confirmed when I reached around him and wrapped my fist around his precum-slathered cock. I slowly stroked him, making sure to work his foreskin over his head each time.

    After a while, I carefully repositioned us so that my dad's face was just inches from his older brother's hard dick. It didn't take long for Dad to catch on to what I was insinuating. In a matter of seconds, Dad's lips were wrapped around Uncle Ryan's prick, which caused my uncle to involuntarily gasp.

    "Yeah. Suck his cock, Dad!" I ordered my father, who moaned with a mouthful of fraternal cock.

    "Fuck, that feels so good," Uncle Ryan said while pushing deeper into his brother's mouth. 

    "Yeah, fuck his mouth, Uncle Ryan. Get it down his throat!" I encouraged my unc.

    Hearing that, Uncle Ryan got to his knees so he could get better access to his younger brother's throat. Then, he re-inserted his member down my dad's throat. He put his hands on the back of Dad's head, grabbing two handfuls of hair and beginning to piston-fuck his mouth. My uncle's balls, which I just noticed were now completely smooth, were slapping against his brother's chin each time he bottomed-out. His head was thrown back and eyes closed while he assaulted my father's mouth. 

    "Fuck, that feels so good," Uncle Ryan repeated after opening his eyes again. 

    "He can suck a mean cock, can't he?" I replied.

    Instead of an answer, my uncle just moved his hands behind my dad's neck and then pushed his cock all the way down his throat. I could see my uncle's pubes against Dad's nose as Dad opened his throat wider, taking it like a champ without ever even gagging. 

    Turned on by the sight, I picked up my pace and started to fuck my father's hole even harder. By this point, the sweat was literally gushing from all three of us. The tent reeked of sweat and sex, which was an aphrodisiac to all three of us. I took both of my hands from my dad's hips and firmly swatted his asscheeks.

    "Take my cock, Dad! C'mon, open up that pussy for your son," I demanded of my father. All he could do was moan in agreement. 

    After a few minutes of spit-roasting my father with me, Uncle Ryan slid his cock from his brother's mouth and slapped Dad's face with it. I watched my father take his older brother's shaved nuts in his mouth as trails of precum and saliva coated Dad's face. I immediately reached forward, grabbed a handful of Dad's hair, and pulled his head back. 

    "Fuck his throat!" I commanded my uncle while I pumped my father's asshole. 

    Ryan shoved his cock down his brother's throat again and started pumping like he was fucking a pussy. 

    "Take my cock, baby brother! I said fucking take it!!" my uncle barked at my father, thrusting aggressively even as Dad began to gag. It surprised me, but also turned me on.

    "Yeah. Feed him that dick!" I barked. 

    "And you fuck his hole," Uncle Ryan grunted back at me.

    We were getting louder as we became more aggressive, but we didn't care at this point. The only noises my father was able to make were the persistent moans of pleasure he hummed around his big brother's cock while we violently spit-roasted him. 

    I was really happy we've been able to so openly share this part of our lives with Uncle Ryan and he jumped in without any judgement. I realized at that moment there was one thing he hadn't yet to experience.

    "Hey, Uncle Ryan… Wanna switch?" I suddenly asked. 

    "Really?" he replied, slowing down his thrusts.

    "Fuck yeah. C'mon, go for it," I said as I slid from my father's now-stretched hole, which dripped copious amounts of my precum. 

    Uncle Ryan and I carefully switched positions inside the sweltering, tight confines of our tent. This was the only opportunity my father had to actually verbalize anything since we'd started. 

    "Fuck my hole, Ryan! C'mon, big brother. Pump that cock in me!" my dad begged his older sibling. 

    "Yeah, you want my hard cock?" my uncle asked, getting into the pervy scenario.

    Before Dad could reply, I shoved my wet, throbbing rod down his throat. I felt it massaging my cockhead as I told my uncle, "Go head, get that cock up his hole."

    Without hesitating, Uncle Ryan slid his rod to the hilt inside his brother's well-worn hole.

    "Fuuuuuuuuuuccck," was all he was able to say as he bottomed out. 

    I grabbed onto my dad's hair and started to piston-fuck his throat. 

    "Take my cock, Dad. Swallow that fucker!" I commanded. Dad just moaned and did as he was told. 

    "Fuck, Bran. That hole feels so good wrapped around my prick. Squeeze that fucker tight," Uncle Ryan demanded. 

    My father was a fuck toy at this point. His sole purpose was to be a repository for familial cock. That's not to say he wasn't enjoying every minute of this, which was evident by the puddles of his precum staining the sleeping bag on which he was getting spit-roasted. Going harder by the second, my uncle and I continued our assault on my dad's holes.

    "Damn! His ass is milking my fuckin' prick," my uncle exclaimed while piston-fucking his little bro. 

    "His mouth is doing the same thing to me," I retorted as I throat-fucked my father. 

    "Fuck, I'm getting close!" Uncle Ryan announced. Sweat dripped from his face and chest onto his brother's ass. 

    "Same here," I replied. My sweat was now dripping into my father's hair, mixing with his own. 

    Our breathing accelerated. My uncle and I continued to mercilessly use my dad, whose own breathing was accelerated, indicating he was also close to busting his nut. 

    "Fuck, I'm gonna cum!!!" my uncle announced. 

    "Fill him up, Unc. I'm gonna bust down his throat. Let's breed this slut!" I replied. 

    "Fuuuuucccccckk!" Ryan roared as his body convulsed with each rope of cum he shot up his little brother's asshole. 

    "Ohhh fuuuucccck," I followed as my own cock shot volley after volley of my kids down my own father's throat. 

    Dad moaned around my still-emptying prick as he shot his own huge load all over the sleeping bag and my thigh. His asshole must've tightened even more, providing an even more pleasurable sensation for my uncle's orgasming cock. 

    The three of us cussed until our balls were empty. A couple of minutes later, we still remained in position, with our two cocks still buried in Dad's holes. While our breathing returned to normal, Uncle Ryan affectionately massaged Dad's back as I stroked Dad's hair. 

    Finally, we extricated ourselves from my father and collapsed in a heap on the sweat- and cum-covered sleeping bag. My father and I lay face to face with Uncle Ryan behind him. Then, I leaned forward and gently kissed my dad's lips. 

    "Happy Father's Day, Dad," I whispered.

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