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Wanna Cum in My Mouth?

Category:  BROTHERS 


    "There you go, give it to him!! Show him how's it done!"

    I adjusted my hat, shielding my eyes from the sun. Out of the pitch, my son had just hit the baseball like a pro, sending it flying in the air as he broke into a run, making all of the parents on our side of the bleachers cheer for him. I watched proudly until it was his time to hit the bench and give some of the other kids a chance to play. Taking advantage of the moment, I decided to go to the bathroom before my bladder burst. Squeezing in through the seats and dodging some of the single moms who were always interested in chatting with me, I made my way to the men's room.

    After taking a piss, I washed my hands and got an idea. Seeing as the men's room was empty, I took my shirt off and snapped a few mirror selfies. "Always take as many pictures as possible, wherever you are!" rang through my mind, instructions given to me by my brother, or should I say: my manager. It was a hot Sunday in mid-April and I was sweating like crazy, which I knew quite a few of my followers were into. 

    My porn career had indeed taken off. I was by no stretch a millionaire, but the fact that I made a few hundred bucks on my very first day was definitely enough to get my attention. Some days were much better than others but all in all, after a couple of months, the numbers seemed to continually rise. I don't know if I was that good-looking like everyone said, or if it had more to do with my brother's clever marketing techniques. I was prone to believe the latter.

    Sawyer actually had a degree in marketing, one which he'd never put to use. "College is a scam!" he protested after graduating, when all he could find were unpaid internships. Since he had experience in hospitality, the best-paying job he could land was at an upscale restaurant in Manhattan, and he'd been working as a server for years ever since. 

    Still, that degree may not have been completely useless. We joked around when we called him my "manager," but in actuality that's exactly what he was. He had a business plan and threw around terms like "target audience," "SWOT analysis," or "communication strategy," all going over my head. Brock and I made fun of him for taking this too seriously, but honestly I think it was Sawyer's strategic approach to this project that made it a success. After only a couple of weeks, I was already making more than at my day job.

    My brother went above and beyond, telling me what to do and say at any given moment. (I'm sure a part of him cherished the opportunity of being the bossy one, for once.) We'd begun by posting naked pics and jerk-off videos, but after a short while it was obvious we'd have to keep upping the ante if we wanted the followers to stay.

    "You gotta start having sex," Sawyer said. "When I was going through your camera roll I saw a video of you fucking this girl; do you still have her number? She looked great, you can ask if she'd be down for it."

    "What? Oh, Jessica," I'd said. "Yeah, we're fuck buddies, we meet now and then. But wouldn't people be turned off by me fucking a girl?"

    I was very aware of the fact that 99% of my audience was men, most of them presumably gay. Which was another reason why Sawyer was such an asset to me, since he was a part of that demo.

    "Oh, they'll love it, trust me," he sounded very assured. "I mean, not all of them will, but you can't make everyone happy. Call up this woman and ask."

    I got in touch with Jessica, and she laughed for a good minute when I told her what I was doing. Apparently, several of her girlfriends were doing the same thing (Sawyer wasn't kidding when he said everyone and their grandma's going at it!) and she herself had been contemplating for months whether to get into the game. My offer was the final push she needed. She agreed to film with me, giving both of us something to post on our pages, which is apparently how this "industry" (Sawyer's word) worked.

    Jessica also introduced me to a couple of her girlfriends, so I ended up having sex with a few of them on camera. Now, as I pulled my shirt back on in the men's room at my son's baseball field, I imagined the reaction of all of those polo-wearing soccer moms out there if they found out about my dirty little hobby, which made me smile.

    That evening, after dropping my kids off with my ex-wife, I met up with my brother for dinner. These days, whenever we got together the conversation always seemed to revolve around work, i.e. my FansOnly page.

    "Have you been reading the comments lately?" Sawyer asked.

    "Yeah," I nodded, shoving a spring roll in my mouth. "They seem pretty good, huh?"

    "They do. And subscriptions are up as well. But, since you started fucking girls, everyone's been leaving comments like 'I can't wait to see you do a guy.'"

    "Ha! Well they know that's not gonna happen," I chuckled.

    "Maybe not, but we gotta look at what side our bread is buttered on here. You have to do something with a guy."

    "What do you mean?" I asked. 

    "I think it would REALLY drive up our numbers… if you let a guy jerk you off."

    "Fuck outta here! Are you serious?"

    "Yes, Kurt, listen. This is work, okay? I've seen plenty of other straight guys do it. The concept of gay-for-pay is as old as porn itself. You just sit there, pop a pill if you need help staying hard, and you let him take care of everything. People will eat it up!"

    "Where would we even find a guy like that?" I asked, still trying to wrap my head around this.

    "I think I might know someone," my brother said, picking up his phone.

    A few days later, I was sitting on the couch, trying not to think too much about what was about to happen. Since I'd (more or less) agreed to my brother's proposal, he invited one of his buddies named Taylor to... do the deed. And now, I wasn't sure what to expect.

    Sawyer knew me well and he could tell I was starting to get nervous. Pausing his setup of the tripod and phone in the living room, my brother lit up a joint and handed it to me. I took a couple hits and felt more relaxed a moment later. Still, my stomach tightened up suddenly when we heard a knock at the door.

    Sawyer stood up and answered the door. He let his friend in and gave him a quick hug before introducing us. I shook Taylor's hand and laughed to myself a little as I thought about how he was going to have that same hand on my cock soon. Realizing I still had the joint in my other hand, I offered some to Taylor who gladly accepted. We both sat down on the couch, at opposite ends, and my brother stepped back behind the camera.

    "I checked out your page, Kurt," Taylor broke the ice, talking to me casually, like we'd known each other for much more than a few minutes. "It's fucking hot! I really liked seeing you fuck those two girls in last week's video."

    "Thanks, man," I replied, realizing that this was the first guy I'd ever spoken to who'd seen my FansOnly page aside from Sawyer and Brock. "I owe it all to my brother, really. It was his idea. I'd never had a threesome until last week."
   "No way, a hunk like you?!" Taylor smiled, although it was more like a smirk. He was extremely easy-going, and I assumed his sex life was pretty crazy. From what Sawyer told me, Taylor didn't have a FansOnly page himself, but he had no qualms performing on mine. "I'm excited to help you out," he said to me a few minutes later, again with a devilish smirk on his face.

    "Have you done videos like this often?" I asked him, genuinely curious. He laughed a little and looked like he was considering the question.

    "There's plenty of videos of me out there," he answered after a toke of the second joint we'd lit up, "and I've jerked off a good number of straight guys in my life. But I don't think I've ever done that on video."

    "Well, I guess this is a first for both of us, then," I responded, feeling more at ease now.

    "I'm ready to get going if you are," Sawyer said to both of us. "How about you guys stand up and I'll get some footage of you taking off your clothes?"

    Taylor and I traded a quick glance, and he flashed me a charming smile. We both stood up and I pulled off my T-shirt while he did the same.

    My brother's buddy had a nice body, a little different than I had expected. Most of the gay guys I knew seemed to work out like crazy and stay ripped, even the ones like Sawyer and Brock who weren't necessarily on the prowl for a partner. And they all seemed to keep their body hair trimmed close, or even shaved completely. Basically, they all looked like underwear models or were trying their best to attain that.

    But Taylor had a more laid-back vibe. He was definitely fit, but it seemed like a more natural muscular look. And he didn't seem concerned with keeping his chest smooth and his pubes cut close. Maybe I was a dick for expecting all gay men to look alike, but Taylor just looked like "one of the guys." There's no mistaking: he was definitely gay, though. I caught him checking me out as I finished undressing, after which we made eye contact and I felt myself blush, though I wasn't sure why. 

    I stripped down, remembering to take it slow but also feeling a little eager to get going. The nervousness I felt earlier was gone. I knew this was going to be a fun and memorable experience. We both sat down on the couch again, closer to one another this time.

    "Kurt, just kick back and relax," my brother said from behind the tripod. "Taylor's gonna take care of everything."
   "I'm gonna take care of at least one thing," Taylor responded, looking at me and then down at my cock. He had a keen look on his face that I'd never quite seen on a girl before. I watched as his hand slowly moved toward me, feeling his fingers graze my thigh. I closed my eyes at that point, wanting to focus on just the sensations of what was about to happen.

    When Taylor's hand touched my cock, it felt... well, like a hand on my cock. The warm feeling of soft skin surrounding my shaft, then the grip tightening the motions as the hand started to stroke me. The hand was bigger than most women's hands, I suppose. But otherwise, it felt similar, and really nice. I allowed myself to relax a little more, now that the first moment had passed. I realized this would be no big deal, and that my apprehension had been silly. This was going to be a hot video that made me a nice chunk of change. Remembering that I needed to make a good show of it, I let out a nice, sexy moan.

    "How does that cock feel, Taylor?" my brother asked, and I was surprised to hear him speak, since the phone was recording and my brother never talked while playing cameraman. I felt my dick pulse in Taylor's hand. I wasn't hard yet, but the gears were turning and the blood was flowing quickly that way.

    "Thick and meaty," was the response Taylor gave, and then I gasped a little as I felt his other hand on my balls. For some reason, I hadn't expected that. Maybe because my ex had never paid much attention to them, though she had insisted I keep them smooth since we first got together. "These nuts feel nice and full, too," Taylor continued. "Like they've got a heavy load read for me."

    His voice now that he was talking for the camera sounded just a bit different than earlier when we were chatting. I cleared my throat as I looked down to see my cock almost fully hard by now.

    "And this is your first hand job by a guy, right Kurt?" my brother asked me next. I guess the point of this interview was to assure the audience that this was virgin territory for me.

    "Ahem, yup," I said as smoothly as possible, unused to speaking on camera too much. Usually, when I filmed with girls, they were always the more verbal ones. Luckily, there were no more questions after that.

    A few minutes passed. I was now rock hard, with my head back and my eyes closed, just enjoying the experience. Sometimes while recording I had to remind myself to moan periodically, but this time it all came naturally as Taylor went about his work like the pro Sawyer assured me he was.

    "Fuck, you guys," I heard my brother say under his breath. "This looks so hot." 

    I opened my eyes for a quick second and glanced in his direction. Sawyer's eyes were focused on the phone's screen, and one of his hands had moved down to his crotch to do a little groping. My brother always got hard while he was filming me, even if he did his best to conceal it at first. Recently, it seemed like he'd stopped trying to hide it once he realized it didn't bother me.

    Truthfully, I wasn't surprised. Sawyer had been a little horndog ever since he was a tween. I could pinpoint when he discovered jerking off almost down to the day. Suddenly, he'd started taking twenty-minute showers and spending more time in his room; even groping himself at the dinner table or on the couch sometimes until our dad told him to stop and only do that when he's alone.

    Ever since moving in with him and Brock, I'd quickly realized my brother was still a horny little fucker, and if anything it'd only gotten worse. The two of them always seemed to be fucking, and I knew my brother had come home once or twice with other dudes' loads in his ass, which usually led to at least one more from his boyfriend. Honestly, the two of them were living out my fantasy relationship, in many ways.

    Turning my attention back from my brother's boner onto my own, I realized Taylor was now using both hands on my cock, and it felt incredible. When he would move them in opposite directions, sliding both down and up my shaft... fuck, it made me feel like my cock was huge, and the sensation was electric. I made a mental note to try that myself the next time I jerked off. I realized I was going to be cumming sooner than I had thought.

    "Work my balls some more," I said, surprising myself a little. "That… That load is just about ready for you." 

    I figured I might as well get a bit verbal and excite the fans. I looked up at my brother, who grinned in approval. The two of us made intense eye contact as he rubbed his bulge and I got my cock stroked. "Great job," Sawyer mouthed to me and gave me a thumbs-up with his free hand. 

    "Yeah," I grunted, encouraged by my brother's reaction. "You wanna get that load, don't ya?" I said to Taylor.

    "Best fucking believe it," he replied, moving one hand down to my sack while stroking me faster with the other. It was sending shivers up my spine. My balls were trying to tighten up as I got closer to the big moment, but they also wanted to relax into Taylor's gentle massage. The whole thing was just winding me tighter.

    My hips started moving up and down now, as I got more excited and felt the need to pick up the pace and pound something. Taylor responded perfectly by stroking me even faster and letting his fist smack down firmly onto my pelvis every time he got to the base of my cock. The ball tugs continued in a steady rhythm, and my heart was beating faster.

    There was another subtle change. Taylor's fingers were moving across my cockhead more, each time his grip slid up that way. The sensitive area was coated with precum and every touch along the head and its ridge was a new surge of pleasure. And exactly what I needed to get me the rest of the way.

    "Oh fuck...," I swore loudly. "Oh fuck yeah... I'm close!" I announced for the camera. And then…

    "Wanna cum in my mouth?" Taylor whispered in my ear so only I could hear him. I had no idea if he'd planned this or if he was losing himself in the heat of the moment like I was, but I shouted,

    "Yes. Go for it!"

    In the blink of an eye, Taylor's mouth was wrapped around my cock. Fuuuuck, this felt so good.

    "FUCK! You guys," my brother cussed behind the camera, visibly shocked it had come this far. Sawyer and I made eye contact again and I noticed his hard cock was out now, and he was jerking himself off just as fast as Taylor was doing to me a moment earlier.

    Two seconds later, I felt the first spurt of cum surge out in Taylor's warm mouth. He seemed to be expecting it and he swallowed without even gagging, his hand still tugging on my emptying balls. 

    "Fuck! Swallow that cum!!" I barked facing toward the camera, but looking right in my brother's eyes. They were bigger than I'd ever seen them; like a kid who just received the best Christmas present in the world.

    I was gasping for air as I felt five, six, and then seven ropes of jizz shoot out my cock and down Taylor's gullet. He loosened his grip on my balls and slid his lips up my cock, now gently nursing on my super-sensitive cockhead. 

    While Taylor sucked the last drops of cum out of me, I looked at my brother biting his lips, and shooting a load all over the carpet. He tried to keep it down so the camera wouldn't catch his noise, which must've been difficult since the load he shot out in front of my was HUGE, and must've felt really fucking good.

    "Mmm. How's that for your first time?" Taylor finally released my cock, looking from me, to my brother, to the camera.

    "Fucking amazing, man," I answered. And I wasn't exaggerating.

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