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Dad's Secret Spot

Category:  FATHER-SON  |  RURAL 

Cowritten with: Tom R


    "I can't believe I'm actually looking forward to school on Monday," I thought as I hung around the house with nothing to do. Holidays were great and all but it could get boring after a while, especially in a lame-ass town like this.

    It was the weekend after Thanksgiving, which is why I was homebound. It was "family time." At least if I could go out and meet Danica somewhere, we'd kill some time making out. Maybe... do even more. It was about time; we were 16 and she was my girlfriend. For a couple of years now, I knew everyone at school expected me to be the first one to get laid, because of my reputation as a jock and a "pretty boy." A couple of my buddies had beat me to it – not that I really cared – but I could tell it was coming up soon.

    "Ben... It's time!" my mom came into the living room wearing a red Christmas sweater. "Time to decorate. Do you mind getting the Christmas decorations from the attic?"

    "Sure," I sighed. Not like I had anything better to do. Mom always tried to make a family event out of decorating the house right after Thanksgiving. It was fun enough when I was a kid, but I didn't have the heart to tell her that I was so over it by now.

    Up in the attic, I switched on the bare bulb and squinted until my eyes got used to the light. The attic was dusty and packed with unused furniture, childhood clothes, and junk like an old record player and a broken VCR. 

    I looked around some of the boxes, opening a few, looking for the decorations. Instead, I stumbled upon something much more interesting. 

    "Whoa!" I smiled when I opened a box full of porn magazines. "Must be Dad's hidden stash," I thought, carefully taking out a few old mags and inspecting them. I'd only ever seen a few actual porn magazines in my life, usually when a friend swiped one from some hidden place where his father kept such things. I'd often wondered if my dad had a secret spot of his own, and now I'd found it! I immediately began paging through the mag on top. I wanted to linger on each image to appreciate it but I was also aware that my time might be limited, and I was eager to see as much as I could. By the time I was opening the third magazine, I'd unbuttoned my pants and had one hand shoved inside, playing with my cock.

    Even though I didn't have too much time, I went slowly because I wanted to savor this. Already, in one corner of my mind, I was planning the next time I'd come up here, hopefully when the house was empty and I could spend as long as I wanted exploring this box of dirty mags. I'd already noticed that some of these issues were older, either by the cover date or the hairstyles and clothing on the women. "How long has Dad been collecting and hiding these here?" I wondered.

    "Benny?" I heard my father's voice come from the attic stairway suddenly, his footsteps echoing up after it. I only had a moment to remove one hand from the magazine and the other from my pants, before Dad stepped through the doorway and stared at me with a curious look. 

    "Did you need any help finding...?" His voice trailed off when he saw the box that was open in front of me and the magazine spread open on top of it. I watched expressions of shock, amusement and perhaps even embarrassment quickly run across my father's face, before he settled on a look of teasing sarcasm.

    "Seems like you've found everything just fine, haven't you, Ben?" he said with half a smile.

    "It wasn't on purpose," I began. He didn't seem angry, but I wanted to avoid a lecture on respecting privacy. "It's just, I stumbled upon them and... it was hard not to look." It wasn't a great excuse, but it was the truth.

    "Looks like that's not the only thing that's hard," Dad said as he stepped closer, keeping the joking tone and expression. I glanced down to see that my pants were still unbuttoned and that my erection was pretty obvious. Mostly due to Dad's cool attitude I didn't feel embarrassed, even though most kids would be mortified if this happened to them. My dad just gave a resigned sigh as he reached down to page through the magazine I had been looking at.

    "I guess I need to find a new spot to keep these now," he mused, still staring at the naked woman who was fingering herself and looking straight ahead with a sultry expression.

    "Maybe you could, uh... wait a few days before doing that?" I said in response, cracking my own smile as he looked up at me.

    "I guess you're looking to release the tension a little, eh?" Dad said. "I figured you and Danica were probably... taking care of things, to some degree?" I was surprised at the question, since my father had never directly asked me if my girlfriend and I were having sex. Even now, I guessed he wasn't quite asking, but it felt like a good moment to be open about things.

    "We haven't yet," I answered. "I mean, not really. We've done... some stuff." I wondered if my father would want to know more, and if it was even appropriate for us to be talking about this.

    "Well as long as you're both okay with what's going on, that's your business," Dad said, with a tone of finality. "Just remember that this stuff," he continued, gesturing at the magazines, "it's fantasies and it's fun, but it's not an instruction manual. Everyone you're with, it'll be different, and the great part is figuring out how to make each other feel good."

    "So, it's all unrealistic?" I asked, still imagining the next time I'd be able to spend some more time enjoying looking through the box. Just the mere thought made my cock throb in my pants.

    "Sometimes, yeah. Porn is like... like a catalog," Dad said with the tone of a teacher. "You can see a lot of options, imagine yourself in some of these scenarios, or maybe as one of the guys in these pictures. Decide what you might like, to give you ideas for things to try out for yourself, in the future."

    He looked at me as if expecting a response so I just nodded, and we held eye contact for a quiet moment.

    "Tell you what," Dad said, breaking the silence with a wry smile. "I won't move these after all. Anytime you want to come up here and... browse, you go right ahead."

    "Wow," I thought. "Dad's being real cool about this."

    "There's just one condition," he said, with a foreboding tone.

    "Uh-oh," I thought, "here comes the catch."

    "Don't leave a mess up here after you... finish," he followed, still sounding serious but looking a little bit amused. "I don't need to see any of that." I laughed and Dad's smile got bigger. I wanted to ask if he ever added new magazines to the box, but I figured it was best not to press my luck.

    "I'll clean up after myself," I said with a cocky grin. Then I looked down and started slowly flipping through the pages again. It was a new set of photos, this one featuring a man along with the woman. Almost on its own, my other hand drifted back to the bulge in my pants. My cock had only softened a little since the interruption.

    It was a bold move, I guess. But if Dad was going to leave them in this same spot anyway, I might as well keep looking. I expected my father to either crack a joke and leave me alone, or force me back to the task of finding the decorations. But he surprised me by reaching into the box, pulling out a magazine and starting to flip through its pages just like I was doing. I stared in shock for a moment, but he didn't look up at me, and so I returned my attention to my own magazine.

    A few seconds later, I turned my eyes up again quickly and saw that Dad was palming his own crotch, which seemed to have filled out his jeans a little more. Feeling more at ease, I slid my hand back down into my pants to find things a little wetter than before. Since I'd turned sixteen it seemed like I was making a lot more precum, and I wasn't complaining about it. The natural lube made things very pleasurable, and I'd recently found I also liked the taste of it. Licking my own precum off my fingers felt so naughty somehow, which is probably why I liked doing it so much. It was taboo, just like... looking at porn alongside my own dad. But he was clearly cool with it so I was determined to enjoy it to its fullest.

    I got lost in some of the pictures in the magazine for a bit, and when I looked again, Dad had his hand inside his unbuttoned pants just like I did. I smiled a little and wondered if this was an unannounced game of "I dare you." Since I was really starting to feel the need for release, I decided to just go for it. I pushed down the front of my pants and lifted my cock and balls fully out into the open. I resumed stroking, my spine tingling with the excitement that I was doing this in front of my dad. This wasn't the awkwardness of the few times that one of us had walked in on the other by accident over the years. This felt more like a bonding moment somehow, at least to me. I hoped I wasn't misreading things. I reached out to pick up a new magazine and used the opportunity to glance up at Dad. He was looking at me with a devilish grin and by reflex I returned it.

    As I opened up my newest selection, in my peripheral vision I saw Dad lower his zipper and reach down quickly, hauling out his own equipment. He grunted a little as he got things into a comfortable position, then reached to grab a new magazine from the box. He opened it with one hand and began stroking with another. I realized I was staring at my father's cock – the very cock that made me – and I returned my eyes to the naked women on the pages in front of me. I'd seen Dad's dick before, but never hard and certainly not while he was jerking it just a couple of feet away from me. The feeling I'd had earlier got stronger: this was a special moment of father-son male bonding.

    "That's nice," I heard Dad whisper, and I looked over at him again. He was staring down at a centerfold spread of a gorgeous nude woman showing off everything she had. I watched as he flipped some pages quickly, seeming to skip over a few pictorials until he found one he wanted to look at longer.

    "What do you like?" I asked, genuinely curious. He seemed to have a preference for some of the women over others, since he wasn't lingering on every page like I was. 

    "I like... big tits. Not gigantic, but good-sized ones," my father replied, sounding a little thoughtful. I'd had conversations like this with my friends, and right now that's what Dad sounded like. "I like trimmed pubes, short but not totally shaved." The girl currently on display in my magazine had both of these qualities, which I also appreciated,

    "Like her?" I asked, as I rotated the magazine slightly so my father and I could both see the images. This particular model was paired with a man in this set of photos.

    "Yeah, she's really hot," Dad confirmed. The male model in the image looked like he was also appreciative, as the girl grabbed at the crotch of his tight pants in the last image. I let go of my cock for a moment to reach down and turn the page. In the next set of pictures, the guy's cock was sticking out of his fly, and his pants eventually came off completely. His penis was huge, and there was a close-up of the woman's hand wrapped around it, and another of the plump head up against her lips as she looked up at him.

    "It's hot to see girls playing with big dicks, too," Dad said, as we both continued to jerk slowly.

    "We've got pretty big dicks," I said in response, and then suddenly wondered if that was a weird thing to say to your dad. I guess it wasn't, because I looked up at him and he was smiling, and he glanced down at both our cocks.

    "We do indeed, son," Dad stated with a confident chuckle. "I can see you take after me a little bit in that way." Hearing that gave me kind of a rush. I was confident about the size of my cock, but something about my own father acknowledging it made me feel proud.

    "I think it's about time to wrap this up," Dad said after another moment had passed. At first I thought he meant it was time to stop, and I was prepared to tuck myself back into my pants and resume looking for the decorations. But then Dad's hand sped up, jerking faster as he stared more intently at the set of pictures on display in front of him. "Whoa", I thought, "he's really going to finish... he's going to cum!"

    Suddenly I realized I wanted to try and cum at the same time as him. That seemed like it would be the perfect way to end this experience we were having. Already getting close from all the excitement I was feeling, I knew I could probably make myself cum at any moment, so I waited until Dad seemed like he was about to blow. I didn't have to wait too long before his breathing got faster and I noticed his ball sack tightening up a little.

    "This is so wild," I thought to myself as I edged closer and closer to a climax. "I came from those balls, and I'm about to watch Dad shoot the same cum that made me." Glancing down at the graphic sex on display on the magazine pages, I realized it wasn't just the porn that was turning me on, it was this whole situation. I was excited to be here with my father, to watch him and to know that he's watching me. Imagining myself cumming in front of him is what made it actually happen.

    With a muffled groan, my cock shot a thick stream of jizz down onto the magazine. I closed my eyes from the intensity and tried to catch my breath as the next spurts emerged. Raising my eyelids, I looked over and witnessed my father's cock blasting his own load down onto the pages he'd been staring at. Dad didn't make much noise aside from heavy breathing as he continued to jerk furiously.

    I felt like I'd shot seven or eight times by the time I finished, and when I heard a deep exhalation from Dad a moment later, I knew he was done, too. Looking across the top of the cardboard box, both our open magazines had drops of semen sprayed across them. Our cum covered the model's faces, tits and pussies as their eyes continued to stare up at us with seductive looks.

    I heard a zipper and my father had already stuffed himself back into his jeans. He had a satisfied look on his face (like I probably did too) as he looked at me and then glanced down at our mutual mess. He flipped his magazine closed, not seeming too concerned that his load would slowly dry up and probably make those pages stick together. He picked up the magazine and looked at me as he placed it back on top of the pile inside the box.

    "Next time, remember to bring a rag with you," he said and he patted my shoulder. Then he turned around and headed for the stairs. "Now get down here soon with those decorations before your mother decides to come see what you're up to!"

    I stood there for a moment more with my softening cock in my hand, marveling at what had just happened. Then I flipped my magazine closed like Dad had and tossed it on the top of the pile. Our loads would dry together. I wondered how many other stuck-together pages I'd encounter in the future when I came back up here to look through these again.



    Even as an adult, my son seemed to enjoy sleeping in just as much as he did when he was a teenager. It gave me ample time to go through my morning rituals in peace, even though Ben was here visiting from London for the holidays. 

    I walked around the house naked for about half an hour after getting up, enjoying my first coffee, before finally taking a shower and getting dressed. When I went out to get the mail, I found a letter addressed to someone whose name I'd never seen. 

    "Gary Carr?" I said to myself, inspecting the letter and realizing it was meant for my nearest neighbor. I never expected to get my neighbors' mail here; the closest house was nearly a mile away. "Guess I'm going for a walk," I spoke to myself again, putting on my coat and tipping my cap to the goldfinch eating out of my bird feeder again. 

    The morning was nice and sunny; as warm as you could hope for this time of year. In my jacket pocket I discovered a small music player my son gave me a couple of days ago ("It's called an iPod. So that you can listen to music when you go for walks through the woods.") I put the gadget away. I was much more interested in the nature around me. The fastest way to the neighbor's house was through the forest, and I much preferred to take a walk than to drive there.

    After about fifteen minutes, I could see the house in a clearing in front of me. It wasn't dissimilar to mine, just slightly bigger and more rustic. Then, just before I got out from behind the trees, I spotted a man standing on the front porch of the house, stark naked.

    The man was drinking a coffee (at least, that's what I assumed was in the cup) and stretching in the nude, just like I enjoyed doing in the morning, no matter how cold it was. He seemed to be a few years older than me and in decent shape; if I had to pick one short way to describe him it would be "middle-aged lumberjack."

    My eyes traveled from his long beard down his hairy torso. I looked at his thick cock, surrounded by an unruly bush of salt-and-pepper pubic hair. I thought back to a recent conversation with my son, who liked shaving his pubes or getting them waxed (Ouch! I couldn't even imagine getting hot wax anywhere near there.)

    My neighbor seemed completely uninterested in that kind of manscaping (a word I'd learned from Ben). While still drinking his coffee, he reached down with one hand and scratched his large balls, before taking a few steps forward until he was standing on the edge of the porch. Then, he let go and started to piss onto the grass, hands-free, looking straight ahead and admiring the nature.

    I watched as the bearded man took a long piss – probably his first of the day – and then took a step back on the porch. He started to shake his cock. At first, I thought he was just shaking the piss off, when I realized he was doing it for a couple of minutes now, and he was getting harder. The shaking turned to stroking. Soon, his cock was up in all of its morning glory and the man continued to stroke it with one hand, his other hand still holding the coffee mug. A few moments later, his eyes closed and his head tilted back, and several large shots of cum spurted out, landing on the grass and the wooden porch.

    When he was done, the man's whole hairy body shook one time, before he turned around and walked into the house. I felt intrigued by this new neighbor of mine. I'd come here to deliver a letter, but I didn't want to interrupt his post-orgasmic bliss. I walked toward his house from behind the trees where I was standing. I left the letter on the front porch, by the door, and walked away. On my way back, I noticed the puddle of piss and the pearly cum the man had left behind and I wondered if, just like me, he lived on his own.

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