I stood naked on the edge of the porch, hot cup of coffee in hand, emptying my bladder onto the grass in front of me. As much as I enjoyed standing here naked, the mornings were getting way too cold for this, no matter much hard I tried to tough it out. I stayed for just a couple of minutes longer before turning around and walking into the house, picking up the mail which had already been delivered on my way in.
Even before opening the first envelope, I knew who it was from and what it would contain: a Christmas card from my ex-wife. It was the intricate calligraphy that gave it away; she always wrote my name, Gary Carr, with oversized G and C with lots of loop-the-loops. Over ten years since we've been divorced, and I still got cards twice a year, on my birthday and Christmas, without fail.
It put a smile on my face to open that and the few other cards I'd received. I walked to the fireplace and put them all on the mantle, in between the few decorative tchotchkes that were on there. I smiled, and then, feeling extra Christmassy, decided to play some holiday music.
I walked to my CD collection, digging through it for a Frank Sinatra Christmas CD. When he was here two years ago, my son Andrew put all my music on my computer and tried to teach me how to use the program, but as far as I was concerned CDs were still high tech enough and I didn't need whatever would come to replace them.
I found the disk and popped it in, a warm sense of nostalgia swelling up inside me as soon as I heard the voice. The problem with Christmas music was that it was all about "being with someone." And I was on my own.
I'd tried dating after the divorce, but it never went anywhere. Maybe it just wasn't meant to be for me. I tried it with several women... and even a couple of men, back when I lived in Burlington, but no such luck. Feeling overwhelmed and frustrated, as soon as I could afford to retire I bought this cabin and moved to "the middle of nowhere," finally finding peace (albeit, alone).
Thankfully, however, I wouldn't be alone this year: my son was coming to visit me for the holidays. Andy took turns visiting his mom and me, and came every other year. The rest of the year, he worked as a college English professor for several years now. He was 27, and even though I didn't want to pressure him, I hoped he would settle down with someone soon, just so he wouldn't end up like his old man.
I was stirred out of my thoughts by a loud knock on the door. "Who could this be?" I wondered. A peek through the peephole let me know it was Ben, my new neighbor's son who was also here for the holidays. Naked as I was, normally I would look for my robe before answering the door. But something in me told me to just go for it, and I opened the door.
"Ben, hi!"
"Hey, Gary," the young man said. If he was surprised to see me answer the door naked, he did not show it, other than his pupils growing larger for just a split second.
"C'mon in," I opened the door wider and offered shelter from the cold. "There's some fresh coffee if you want, still hot."
"Thanks, but I'm not staying long. Dad and I are having lunch soon. You know, we really oughta exchange phone numbers."
"That's right, we never did," I said, and we both laughed. I gave Ben my number and he typed it in his phone.
"Anyway, I came over to invite you for dinner," Ben said, "on Christmas, if you're not doing anything. We'd be happy to have you."
As he said that, Ben's eyes darted up-and-down real quick, giving my naked body a once-over. I smiled, grateful that the two of them would think of me for the holiday, even though we'd only met each other once. (Although, granted, that one time ended up with my cock in Ben's father's mouth.)
"Thank you," I replied, "but I actually have plans. My son is coming over for Christmas."
"Oh, okay."
"But hey, if you want, why don't you and your dad join us for dinner? The more the merrier, right?"
"Oh, wow. That sounds lovely," said Ben. "But only if you let us bring half the food!"​
The holidays in Vermont weren't nearly as bad as I'd feared. If I were back in Europe now, I'd probably be doing coke and drinking champagne with other party people who didn't believe in being with family for the holidays. But being in Gary Carr's cottage for Christmas was... really fucking quaint and cozy. There was the music, and the large Christmas tree, and the food... The food was exquisite! My father and Gary were both good cooks, and I absolutely loved everything they'd prepared.
Gary's son Andrew seemed like a nice guy. Even though he was two years older than me, he came off as somewhat of a star-struck child when he met me. He asked a ton of questions about my life in New York and Paris and London. I had an impression he would've loved to go places like that but he was never given the chance. He threw off my gaydar, and I wasn't quite sure if he was "into me" or just impressed by my career and lifestyle.
What I did know for sure, however, is what Dad told me happened between him and Gary last time we were here. I'd insisted on Dad meeting the neighbor so he'd have some company, but I never imagined they would get SO close, especially this soon. As I watched the two older men smile side-by-side at the dinner table and compliment each other's cooking, getting progressively pinker because of the booze, I felt glad to see them connecting on many levels.
As it got later and later in the evening, and everyone at the table got drunker and drunker, it was self-understood that Dad and I would be spending the night here again. We all moved to the living room and sat by the fire. My chat with Andrew was going well, and both of us seemed louder and perkier than our parents. He'd confirmed that he was into men by mentioning a male ex, and our conversation casually wandered down flirtatious paths several times.
"Hey, I have an idea," I said to everyone as the night started to get late. "Since Andrew and I will probably be staying up later, instead of waking you guys up in the middle of the night, why don't the two of us sleep in the guest room, and Dad and Gary can sleep in Gary's bed?"
"Yes, that sounds smart," Andrew jumped at the idea. I saw Dad and Gary exchange a quick glance, and it looked like my father even blushed a little bit, though it was probably just all the alcohol.
"Great idea, Ben," Gary chimed in. When he wasn't looking, I shot a wink at my dad, proud of my own matchmaking skills.
The two older men started to yawn more and more often. Soon, they both got up at the same time and announced they were going to bed. I looked at them as they walked away with a smirk on my face, knowing my dad was about to get some.
Alone, Andrew and I got more comfortable on the couch. He set his drink down and came to sit closer to me. Pretty soon, it was clear what he was after. I reached around to the back of his neck and pulled him in for a kiss. He was more than ready, and his hands were all over me a second later. His touching was sensual and purposeful, and I quickly became even more aroused as my hands explored his body and our tongues pushed into one another's mouths. I'd had a lot to drink and for a while I just lost myself in all of it, not really thinking about Dad or Gary or anyone else.
I was brought out of my reverie when I felt Andrew's hand sliding up and down the length of my cock. After a long and passionate make-out session, I was rock hard and my erection was obvious as it snaked down one leg of my pants. Andrew was enjoying every inch of it and started to rub it through my jeans. I was too drunk to tell time, but we probably went on for half an hour or so. When we stopped to take a break from kissing, Andrew continued to rub my cock and I could tell he was eager to get a better look.
"You wanna head back to the guest room?" I asked him. He responded with an eager nod.
"Absolutely," he said. As he stood up, I admired Andrew's firm ass and how his pants hugged it perfectly. I knew I would be fucking it within a matter of minutes and I licked my lips in anticipation.
Andrew led our way through the hallway upstairs. Suddenly, he stopped halfway, and when I caught up to him a moment later I understood why. Gary's bedroom door was slightly open. That may not have been so surprising... if not for the quiet but unmistakable moans and the wet sounds of kissing coming from the room.
Andrew stood still as a statue, staring at the door. I wondered how much he knew about his father's affinity for men, and if this came as a total surprise to him. Still, seeing as Andrew was gay himself, I knew he wouldn't be judgmental about what was currently going on in his dad's bedroom.
Feeling tipsy and mischievous, I took Andrew's hand and guided us toward Gary's room. Andrew pulled on my arm and when I looked at him his panicked eyes seemed to say "What're you doing?!" Using just my eyes to respond, I said "Shhh, it's okay. C'mon, let's have a look."
We crept closer step by step, like two naughty little brothers about to spy on their parents. I pushed the door open slowly, and because the lamp on the nightstand was on we could easily see inside. Though it wasn't a total surprise to me, the sight before us blew my mind a little. Gary was on his bed, kneeling. And my dad was on all fours, with his face buried in Gary's crotch.
I could see that Gary's cock was wet as it reflected the light. Dad had clearly been sucking it earlier, but at the moment his focus was on Gary's balls. He was licking them and gently taking one in his mouth. Gary was no doubt enjoying that, but his own attention was elsewhere. He was leaning forward slightly and reaching down the length of my father's back, with his hand lodged between Dad's ass cheeks. I could see the knuckles of his first two fingers moving, and I suddenly realized that the wet sound I'd heard from the hallway hadn't been kissing. Gary had lubed up my father's ass and was fingering him vigorously.
"Damn, Dad!" I thought. He was jumping right into the deep end. Only sucked a man's dick the other day, and now this?! Good for him. Maybe when you got to be their age, you realized it was pointless wasting time once you know what you wanted.
Andrew and I took a few more steps until we were inside the bedroom. Suddenly, Gary looked at us, but his expression didn't change. Just a moment later, his eyes went back to his own hand and my father's ass. I came up behind Andrew and wrapped an arm around his chest, pulling him back against me. I could feel his heart racing as I started to unbutton his shirt. Andrew just stood there looking straight ahead, right at his father's thick erection as it softly bounced around my dad's cheek. I'd seen my father naked before, but I had no idea if that was the case for Gary and Andrew. Was this Andrew's first time seeing his father's cock? And he didn't even get to see it soft, but rock hard instead, rubbing against another man's face!
I undressed Andrew slowly from behind, while keeping an eye out for how the two other men were getting along. I was impressed by Dad and how well he seemed to be doing. I would've never guessed this was only his second time doing something like this. He'd always had an eager confidence about new endeavors and I guess this wasn't much different.
When I slid Andrew's pants and underwear down and let them fall to the floor, I was able to reach around and feel his cock. He was rock hard, just like his dad, and there was enough precum on it for me to slick up his entire shaft in just a few strokes. He still seemed shocked, but there was no denying that he was liking what he was seeing in front of him.
I quickly shed all my clothes, and went back to stroking Andrew's cock while using my other hand to play with his nipple. After kissing his shoulder and grinding my own hardon between his muscular asscheeks for a few moments, I gently nudged him forward and then got him to kneel at the side of the bed. He put his arms out to brace himself on the mattress as he bent forward, just inches away from his father and my own. I got down on my knees behind him, grateful for the thick rug on Gary's wooden floor. I laughed a little when I looked up and realized that Gary seemed like a statue, with the three of us all on our knees at his feet.
The handsome older man was smiling down at me, and he gave me a quick heads-up nod as he tossed me a small bottle. As I slicked up Andrew's ass with his father's lube, I looked over at my own dad. He had stopped sucking Gary and was now staring up at him, breathing fast. Gary removed his fingers from Dad's ass and I saw him slap one of Dad's cheeks lightly with that hand, as if to say "Turn around now."
Meanwhile, Andrew was writhing his ass back against my cock, and I could tell how badly he needed to be fucked. But we were both also entranced by what was happening on the bed in front of us and the show that our parents were giving us. I knew the moment that I wanted to slide my cock in, and it wasn't quite yet.
Dad got into position, and as he turned we made eye contact for the first time since Andrew and I had entered the room. It was very brief, without any subtext, but it made me feel warm inside. I knew in my heart that Dad was glad to have me here right now, and I felt an odd sense of pride that I was getting to witness this. I couldn't actually see my dad's hole from this angle, but as I watched Gary's cockhead disappear between my father's asscheeks, I pushed my own dick against Andrew's lubed sphincter.
Both Dad and Andrew moaned out at the same exact time, and in that moment I wondered if this was the wildest thing I'd ever done in my life: watching a dude fuck my dad, while I fucked his son. We all slowly eased into what we were doing. Andrew was tight but I could tell he knew how to take a cock. His grunts and moans came from exertion and pleasure, not pain. While I couldn't quite say the same for Dad, I knew his determination would get him through the toughest part. And soon enough, I could tell it was getting easier for them. Andrew turned his head back toward me so we could kiss for a while. I noticed that Gary was reaching down to play with my father's cock, which was definitely hard. Just as hard as it was when he and I jerked off over his porn stash for the first time, all those years ago.
After a few minutes, I noticed that Gary and I were synchronized in our thrusting, something that turned me on A LOT. I'd lost count of the number of times I'd match the rhythm of another couple who was fucking next to me at a party. It was always fun making eye contact with the other top, maybe getting a little competitive, or just trading cocky looks as we nailed our partners.
I looked up at Gary, who towered above all of us. He had a sexy look on his face to be sure, like something out of an old Hollywood film. "Steamy" was the word that came to mind. He flashed me a smile which made it even hotter, and I tried to smile back in a similar way.
"You like watching me fuck your son, huh Gary?" I asked out loud, almost without thinking about it.
"Fuck yeah, I do," he replied confidently in a deep voice. I heard Andrew let out a loud moan as I continued to piston my whole cock into him.
"You like watching me fuck your daddy, boy?" Gary shot back at me. I was totally unprepared for that question, though I should have known to expect it after all.
"It's fuckin' hot to watch, yeah," I said, suddenly getting that mind-blown feeling again. I had to close my eyes for a moment, and I reached down to play with Andrew's cock as I started to fuck him a little harder. I heard him moan again, and when I opened my eyes I saw that he was looking up at his father. Gary was staring at us, but I knew his eyes were locked with his son's. Andrew moaned again, and his cock started swelling even more while I stroked it. He was getting more and more aroused, and I could tell the eye contact with his father contributed to it.
Half a second later, Andrew began to shoot his load. It both felt and sounded like the best cum of his life. He eventually broke away from staring up at his father, and buried his face in the mattress, continuing to vocalize his pleasure.
His ass had clenched my cock so tightly when he came that it almost became painful. When he finally relaxed a little, it took me a moment to recover. A few moments later and I was suddenly ready to blow. With one final thrust, I started unloading into Andrew's ass. I made sure to look up at Gary just as I filled his son with my cum, and it gave me a huge thrill to see him looking back at me with a smile on his face.
"Fuck, I'm cumming inside him!" I yelled out loud.
"Yeah, fill him up," Gary encouraged me while I shot my seed inside his own son's guts.
Shortly after that, Gary threw his head back and let out some deep grunts. I saw all his muscles tense up and he pushed hard into my dad's ass. Seeing his son's ass getting filled with cum seemed to have pushed Gary over the edge. He was cumming.
I heard my father gasp and I looked at his scrunched-up face as he got bred for the first time. His expression was one of surprise and satisfaction as Gary's load shot inside him, filling up my father's hole with jizz for the first time in his life. Dad looked at me and I smiled proudly. "Good job, Dad!" I spoke with my eyes again.​​